Sunday, April 28, 2019

Remembering the 2 days SE project

So as Nurul Hazirah's parents aren’t responding back to me until now i would sit and wait for it and talk about the weekend of the SE project as they gets back to me.

Furthermore, it was a wonderful experience for me since I knew a bunch about Malaysian society. Since i didnt speak up that much of the lunch we had we ate at that time in Lunch Nasi Kukus from UM's KK7 and it was really nice i have never tried eating malaysian food since i came to malaysia but i really liked it.

And i would truly like to give my group colleagues an Appreciation post in which they really helped me alot in both 2 days as i was really struggling to talk with my student (Hazirah) as she was the whole time she seemed scared of me and i would truly say that i really appreciate Ray's contribution in this project because he did all of his best to make that day one of the best day's i have been in Malaysia.

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